Eduardo Chillida Belzunce was born in San Sebastián on March 15, 1964. The son of renowned sculptor Eduardo Chillida and Pilar Belzunce, he is the youngest of a family of eight children, an equal balance of four boys and four girls.

From a very young age, Eduardo showed a strong interest in art. At the age of five, he created his first sculpture using clay given to him by his father. This small terracotta piece depicts a woman seated in a chair with her arms resting behind her head and her legs crossed. While the technical skill of the piece may not be striking, what stands out is Eduardo’s early ability to convey the plasticity of the female form, a testament to his natural artistic vision.

Several drawings by Eduardo Chillida of his son as a child portray Eduardo always engaged in some form of creativity, whether seated or lying down, but always with a pencil and paper in hand. His early desire to “become an artist when he grew up,” as he often declared, seemed to eclipse his interest in formal education.

After brief stints at the Escuela de Artes de Deba and the Círculo de Bellas Artes in Madrid— where he had the privilege of studying under painter Antonio López—as well as at the Escuela de Artes y Oficios in Madrid, Eduardo turned his focus to sculpture and later also to painting.

In his late teens, between the ages of 17 and 20, Eduardo worked with stone, alabaster, terracotta, and bronze. He spent a period in the studio of his brother Pedro, the eldest of the Chillida boys and Eduardo’s godfather. Pedro had studied Philosophy and Letters and set up a studio near the family home, where the two would paint, talk, and freely explore their respective artistic paths.

In 1985, Eduardo was involved in a serious motorcycle accident that left him in a coma for a month and a half. Defying doctors’ predictions, he managed to recover his speech, learn to walk again, and eventually, with great effort, return to a normal life. The accident left him partially paralyzed on one side, forcing him to become left-handed to continue painting.

In 1986, Eduardo moved to Madrid with his brother Luis, sharing a student apartment. This move was both a test and a statement, proving to himself and others that he could live independently. He continued painting during this time, though he did not return to sculpture—a part of his artistic identity that seemed to lie dormant in his mind until 2010, when he picked up sculpture once again with his left hand.
In 1987, Eduardo spent six months in New York, staying with his sister Susana.

He enjoyed walking through Central Park and visiting the Metropolitan Museum of Art, which he fondly referred to as visiting “my painter friends.” Following his habit of painting wherever he stayed for more than a few days, Eduardo continued to paint at his sister’s home while his brother-in-law, Eduardo Iglesias, worked on his own writing, and Susana pursued her doctoral thesis at Columbia University.

Upon his return to San Sebastián in 1988, Eduardo held his first solo exhibition at Galería Dieciséis. A year later, in 1989, he met Susana Álvarez, a journalist working in advertising.

They married in September 1991 in Amasa, a village near San Sebastián, and went on to have four children: Eduardo (born in 1993), Laura (1995), Pablo (1998), and Miguel (2004). They also shared a professional life, with Susana managing Eduardo’s exhibitions and supporting him throughout his artistic career.

Throughout his life, Eduardo has been deeply committed to charitable, social, and religious causes. His work has been part of numerous charity exhibitions, and two of his murals—the “Beste aldean” mural in Zuloaga Square and the “Homenaje al Señor” mural in San Sebastián Mártir Church—were donated to benefit organizations, the first for the DYA and the second for the Catholic Church.

In 2010, Eduardo traveled to Mexico with Susana, staying with Heberto Guzmán, who
encouraged Eduardo to return to sculpture. Upon his return home, Eduardo began sculpting again, producing around twenty sculptures between 2011 and 2013.

In 2015, he took a significant step forward, creating six large bronze sculptures, which were unveiled at the Louvre plaza in Paris in 2017 and 2018.

Since then, his sculptures have been exhibited in various notable locations, including the atrium of the Church of San Vicente in San Sebastián—the city’s oldest church and London’s Lower Grosvenor Gardens, a charming park near Buckingham Palace.

In 2023, in a remarkable display of resilience and determination, Eduardo painted a piece with his right hand—the hand that had lost its mobility in the 1985 motorcycle accident.

And in 2024, as he celebrates his 60th birthday, Eduardo plans to unveil his abstract works to the public for the first time, marking a significant shift in his artistic practice. These abstract beginnings, often concealed beneath his figurative paintings, will come to light at Estudio

Laterna in Ibiza. This new phase of his work is characterized by a powerful, dreamlike quality that, like all his creations, emerges, in his father’s words, “from his guts.”
In his daily life, Eduardo continues to pursue his passion for art, never losing sight of the love and connection he shares with his family and his true friends.
Susan Alvarez San Martí

View Eduardo Chillida Belzunce




“Desde los orígenes” Estudio Laterna, Ibiza, España.
“Miradas desde dentro” Galería Jordi Barnadas, Barcelona, Spain.

“Essentials Bonds” / “Vínculos esenciales” Lower Grosvenor Gardens, Belgravia, Londres, UK.

“Essentials Bonds” / “Vínculos esenciales” Lower Grosvenor Gardens, Belgravia, Londres, UK.

“Caminando por el arte”/“Marchant á travers lárt”/“Artearekin Ibiltzea”/“Walking
through art” Instituto Cervantes de París, France.

“En la mejor compañía”/”Konpainia onenean” Atrio de la Iglesia de San Vicente, San Sebastián, Spain.

“Ensoñaciones y realidades” “Ametsaketa egunerokoak” Galería Ekain, San Sebastián, Spain.
“En la mejor compañía””Konpainia onenean” Atrio de la Iglesia de San Vicente, San Sebastián, Spain
“Des lieux et des hommes”, esculturas en la Plaza del Louvre, París, Francia.

“Des lieux et des hommes”
Ayuntamiento del 1er distrito de París, y Plaza del Louvre, París, Francia.
“Diálogos entre luz y materia”, Galería Arte XXI, Ciudad de México, México. Con la colaboración de la Galería Gina Daboub.

“Diálogos entre luz y materia” Museo MAQRO, Museo de Arte de Querétaro, México.
Con la colaboración de la galería Gina Daboub.
“Diálogos entre luz y materia” Yandi Monardo Art Gallery, con Luxury Avenue,
Tendencia Avenue y Tendencia Magazine, Cabo San Lucas, Baja California Sur, México.
“Diálogos entre luz y materia” Hotel Presidente Intercontinental, con la galería Carlos.

Club Carudel, Hipódromo de la Zarzuela, Madrid, Spain.

Espacio Artikarena, San Sebastián., Spain.

“Más allá del horizonte” Instituto Cervantes de Damasco, Siria.
“De lugares y hombres” Galería Blanca Soto, Madrid, Spain.

“Hacia la luz” Bicentenario de la Independencia de México.
Fundación Sebastián, México D.F., México.

“La casa del enigma” Galería Arteko, San Sebastián, Spain.
Galería Nieves Fernández, Madrid, Spain.

Galería Jordi Barnadas, Barcelona, Spain.

“Etxean” Museo de San Telmo, San Sebastián, Spain.
“Etxetik” Galería Ekain, San Sebastián, Spain.

Galería Jordi Barnadas, Barcelona, Spain.
Galería Nieves Fernández, Madrid, Spain.

“Con las dos manos”
Museo de Adra, Almería, con la galería Blanca Soto, Madrid, Spain.
“Con las dos manos”
Caja de Granada, centro cultural de Almería, con la galería Blanca Soto, Madrid, Spain.
Caja de Granada y Ayuntamiento de Motril, Casa de la Condesa de Torre Isabel, con la galería Blanca Soto, Madrid, Spain.
Caja de Granada y Ayuntamiento de Úbeda, Hospital de Santiago, con la galería Blanca Soto, Madrid, Spain.
Caja de Granada y Ayuntamiento de Baeza, Antiguo Cuartel de Sementales, con la galería Blanca Soto, Madrid, Spain.

Galería Fernando Silió, Santander, Spain.

Galería Nieves Fernández, Madrid. Spain.

Galería Colón XVI, Bilbao. Spain.

Galería Nieves Fernandez, Madrid. Spain.
Galería Dieciséis, San Sebastián, Spain.
Galería Jordi Barnadas, Barcelona, Spain.
Bar Biarritz, Hotel Niza, San Sebastián, Spain.

Galería Colón XVI, Bilbao, Spain.
Galería Fernando Silió, Santander, Spain.

Galería Nieves Fernández, Madrid, Spain.

Galería Colón XVI, Bilbao, Spain.

Galería Antonia Puyó, Zaragoza, Spain.
Galería Nieves Fernández, Madrid, Spain.

Galería Dieciséis, San Sebastián, Spain.
Galería Nieves Fernández, Madrid, Spain.

Galería Fernando Silió, Santander, Spain.

“ARCO 90” Galería Dieciséis, San Sebastián, Spain.

Galería Kaj Forsblom, Turku, Finland.
Galería Fernando Silió, Santander, Spain.

Galería Dieciséis, San Sebastián, Spain.


Paris Art Fair 2023, con Monat gallery, Madrid, Spain.

Feria Internacional de Arte Contemporáneo 2022 Luxemburgo, con Van Gogh Art Gallery, Madrid.
Bruxelles Art Fair 2022, con Van Gogh Art Gallery, Madrid.
Bruxelles Art Fair 2022, con Monat Gallery, Madrid.

Art Innsbruck 2021, con Van Gogh Art Gallery, Madrid.

Marbella Design Fair 2019, con la galería Blanca Soto Art, Madrid y Gingko Landscape, Marbella.
Korea Galleries Art Fair 2019, Seúl, Corea, con Gallery Mark, Seoul, Korea.

Pinta London 2012, con la galería Blanca Soto.
Estampa, Madrid, con la galería Blanca Soto.

Arte en Lisboa 2008, con la galería Arteko, San Sebastián.

Arte en Santander, 2007, con la galería Blanca Soto

ART MADRID 2006, con la Galería Nieves Fernández
Arte en Santander 2006, con la Galería Blanca Soto
ART COLOGNE 2006, con la galería Nieves Fernández.

ART CHICAGO 2005, con la galería Nieves Fernández.
ART COLOGNE 2005, con la Galería Nieves Fernández.

ARCO 2004, con la Galería Fernando Silió.
ART CHICAGO 2004, con la Galería Nieves Fernández.

MIART 2004, Milán, Italia, con la galería Jordi Barnadas.
ART COLOGNE 2004, con la Galería Nieves Fernández.

ARCO 2002, Galería Colón XVI, Bilbao.
Estampa, Madrid 2002, Galería Blanca Soto, Madrid

“ARCO 2001”, Galería Colón XVI, Bilbao
ART CHICAGO, EEUU. Con la Galería Nieves Fernández.
Estampa, Madrid 2001, Galería Arteko, San Sebastián.

“ARCO 99” Galería Colón XVI, Bilbao.

“ARCO 98″Galería Colón XVI, Bilbao
II Trienal del Grabado. Palacio de Revillagigedo, Gijón, con la Galería Dieciséis., San Sebastián.

“ARCO 97”, Galería Colón XVI, Bilbao.
“Estampa 97, Madrid” Galería Nieves Fernández, Madrid.

“ARCO96” Galería Gimpel fils, Londres y Nieves Fernández, Madrid
“Estampa 96, Madrid”, Galería Nieves Fernández, Madrid.

“ARCO 95″ Galería Gimpel fils, Londres, y Nieves Fernández, Madrid.
I Trienal de Arte Gráfico, Palacio de Revillagigedo, Gijón.

“Estampa 94” Galería Nieves Fernández, Madrid
III Feria de Arte Santander, Galería 16, San Sebastián

“Estampa 93” Galería Nieves Fernández, Madrid.

“ARCO 90” Galería Dieciséis, San Sebastián.

The Corners of the City, Monat gallery, Madrid, Spain.
In-Between the Lines, Monat gallery, Madrid, Spain.

“Euphoria” Van Gogh art gallery, Madrid, Spain.

Van Gogh art gallery, Madrid, Spain.

Alma Parc Escultóric, Almacelles, Lleida, Spain.
Museo de Arquitectura y Urbanismo Josep Mas Dordal, Almacelles, Lleida, Spain.

“Peces de Col.lecció”, galería Jordi Barnadas, Barcelona, Spain.

4 Chillida K, Galería Ekain, San Sebastián, Spain.

“La costa guipuzcoana en el arte” Untzi Museoa- Museo Naval de San Sebastián.
Aquarium de San Sebastián con la Fundación Kind Surfing
“” 2014 Visiones de San Sebastián, Galería Arteko, San Sebastián
“Maxam” Una mirada histórica a través del arte. Casa de Vacas, Parque del Buen Retiro, Madrid.

Museo Balenciaga, Guetaria, con la Fundación Kind Surfing.
“Colección Maxam. Pintura española desde 1900”, Sala de Exposiciones “Kulanshi Art Center”, Palacio de la Paz y la Concordia, Astaná, Kazajstán.
Galería Arteko, San Sebastián

“Colección Maxam” Itinerancia por España
“En- caja” 25 aniversario de la Galería Bat, Madrid.

“Cien años de la Asociación Española de Pintores y Escultores, 1910-2010”. Museo de la Casa de la Moneda, Madrid.
“Artistas de la Galería”, Galería Arteko, San Sebastián.
Galería Ekain, San Sebastián.

Exposición “Ciudad de la esperanza y la alegría” Galería Ansorena, Madrid.

“Figurative art from Spain”, Die Galerie, Frankfurt.
“From Rust to Restoration: Basque Art and the Bilbao Effect”, en South Shore Arts, Munster, Indiana e Indiana University Northwest, Gary, Indiana

“Mareas blancas” exposición itinerante por España y Europa.
“Fashion art” con diseños de Manu Fernández. Exposición itinerante por todo el mundo.

“Otras Meninas” Proyecto de Together Woman. Exposición itinerante por todo el mundo hasta el 2005.
Galería Jordi Barnadas, Barcelona
Galería Ekain, San Sebastián.

“Relevos”, Junto a Eduardo Chillida, Torre Caja Madrid, Madrid
Mensajeros de la paz, en la sede de la Organización de Estados Americanos en
Washington, EEUU.
Galería Arteko, San Sebastián
Galería Ekain, San Sebastián.

1990-2000 Estampa. Artistas premiados en España. Itinerancia por América del Sur.
Galería Ekain, San Sebastián
Galería Arteko, San Sebastián
Aquarium 2000, San Sebastián
Círculo de Bellas Artes, Madrid. Homenaje a FernandoMúgica

“Forma e colori di Spagna”, Galería Italarte, Roma.
Galería Arteko, San Sebastián
Galería Ekain, San Sebastián

“Estampa 99”, Galería Arteko, San Sebastián.
Bar Biarritz, Hotel Niza, San Sebastián, junto a Andrés Nagel.

“Homenaje a José Beulas, “Los seis Chillida”. Diputación Provincial de Huesca.
“Arte en la Catedral” Conmemoración del centenario del Athletic Club de Fútbol. Sala Rekalde, Bilbao.
Exposición pro- Medicus Mundi. Sala de exposiciones de la Kutxa, San Sebastián.
“Ciento y… postalicas a : Federico García Lorca”. Exposición homenaje a Federico
García Lorca en el centenario de su nacimiento. Fábrica Nacional de la Moneda y Timbre, Madrid.
Galería Marlborough, Madrid.

Exposición Cruz Roja, Hotel de Londres, San Sebastián.
Galería Art & Co, San Sebastián.
Exposición Arboles por la paz, homenaje a Fernando Múgica, Barcelona.

Galería Art&Co, San Sebastián.
Exposición Pro-Zaire, C.A.T. San Sebastián.

Galería Bar Biarritz, San Sebastián.

Galería Dieciséis, San Sebastián.
Sala Parés, Barcelona
Galería Bar Biarritz, San Sebastián

Galería Nieves Fernández, Madrid.
Galería Dieciséis, San Sebastián.

Sanz-Enea, Zarauz, junto a Koldobika Jaúregui

Galería Dieciséis, San Sebastián.


Organización del Primer concurso de pintura en la Escuela Internacional infantil y juvenil de pintura y escultura Eduardo Chillida Belzunce en La Ribera, Los Cabos, Baja California Sur.
Julio 2016
Colocación del cuadro “Alaia” en Tabakalera, con la Fundación Kutxa, en “Donostia San Sebastián 2016” Capital Europea de la Cultura.

Fundación Kind Surfing.

Inauguración “Escuela Internacional infantil y juvenil de Pintura y Escultura Eduardo Chillida
Belzunce”, La Ribera, Baja California Sur, México.

Colocación mural “Homenaje al Señor” en el altar Mayor de la “Parroquia de San Sebastián
Mártir”, San Sebastián.

Colocación del mural de terracota “Beste aldean” en la plaza de Ignacio Zuloaga en San Sebastián

Fundación Fashion Art, Manuel Fernández
Museo Artium de Vitoria.
Colección Maeda, Japón.
Colección Cano, México.
Colección Ramón Suárez de Zuloaga, España.
Colección María Rosa Suárez Zuloaga, España.
Grupo PRISA.
Colección INDRA.
Ministerio de Asuntos Exteriores.
Diputación Provincial de Huesca
Caja Rural de Huesca
Norbolsa, Bilbao.
Gres de Valls. Grupo Uralita
Museo de Adra, Almería
MAXAM, Colección Unión española de explosivos
Colección Homenaje a Chillida, Grupo Urbasco.
Diputación Foral de Guipúzcoa
Museo del Azulejo Manolo Safon

Estudio Laterna is an interdisciplinary design space based in Ibiza that integrates landscape architecture with a strong artistic approach. The studio was founded in 2004 by Andrea Sánchez and Ricardo Jarpa. The landscape architectural designs are led by Andrea with a team of landscape architects, biologists and artists. The application of the designs is directed by Ricardo with a team of professional gardeners and artisans. Together they create an alternative form of landscape architectural practice that unites design and exploration, pushing boundaries, connecting nature and its realms, speaking the ever evolving language of the more-than-human. This intertwining was the leitmotif that also inspired them to create Estudio Laterna Art Gallery, a nest of art in the heart of Ibiza island, manifesting a new perspective for local communities and international artists. Estudio Laterna is also developing other creative projects such as Kossmun, an experimental outdoor furniture brand.

+34 971 146 716
+34 696 644 570
+34 630 410 930

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follow us @estudio_laterna

Venda de Parada 12
Santa Gertrudis de Fruteira,
07814 Santa Eulalia des Riu, Ibiza

Open monday to wendesday from 9am to 7pm,

thursday and friday from 9am to 10pm

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